Some problems wih classical controls when responder has a 54 two-majors suit

The 3 critical cases of controls by classical bidding

Opening 1NT when the responder has 5 4

1NT 2 (Stayman)
2 (no major 4°) 3 (5 4)
? (with fit )

If the opener has no fit no problem, he bids 3NT. But if he has fit he must bid 4 because he does not know if the responder has just 5HCP or at the contrary he has 13HCP and a slam hope. The controls are not possible.

Furthermore, if the opened bidded a control 4 or 4, the control process would not or badly operate, because the color is not yet designated.

Opening 2NT when the responder has 5 4

2NT 3 (Stayman)
2 (no maj. 4°) 3 (5 4)
? (with fit )

The problem is exactly the same.

Opening 2NT with two-suiter

2NT 3 (Stayman)
3NT (2 maj. 4°) ?

There is a fit in a least one major. After 3NT from opener The responder bids his major by transfer at level 4. The opener must complete to the major of responder, because this last may have only 5HCP. The controls are not possible.

The 3 same cases, but by playing majeure précisée

For our visitors who have not yet read the "majeure précisée", main subject of our site, the openings 1 and 2 are exactly and respectively equivalent to classical openings 1NT and 2NT, that is to say balanced and with 15-17HCP and with 20-21HCP.

Opening 1 when the responder has 5 4

1 2 (with 5 4, 5 4, or 4 4) *
2(no major 4°)
2 (with 4) *
2 (with 4) *
2NT (with 4 4) **

* After the answer 2 the responder closes to 4 and after answer 2 to 4, for game. With slam hope he bids his first control at level 4.

** The responder bids his 4cards-major by transfer, 3 for or 3 for . After completing by opener in the responder's major the responder closes to game in the designated major, but he bids his first control if he has a slam hope.

The answer 2 from opener :

1 2 (with 4 4, 5 4, or 4 4)
2(no major 4°) 2 (with 4 4) and 8HCP *
2 (with 4 4) at least 9HCP *
3 (with 5 4 ) at least 9HCP **
3 (with 5 4 ) at least 9HCP **

* The opener corrects to 2NT or 3NT according to his strenght. If corrected to 2NT, the responder closes to 3NT with at least 10HCP.
(If the responder has a five-cards major with 8HCP that he will show via a Stayman bidding, he has at his disposal 2 other disrinct auctions. Read if necessary Stayman bidding with five-cards major. about this matter.)

** If fitted the opener cmpletes in five-cards major of responder. If not he completes to 3NT.
Theese economical biddings 3 et 3 are quite distinct from mixed 4M 5m two-suited which are included in the indirect Stayman 2.

Opening 2 when responder has 5 4, or 5 4, or 4 4

Theese same mechanisms cannot be used due to the higher bidding level. But the economical nature of the opening 2 allows control biddings having same efficiency : The fit in major, if it exists, will be always confirmed at level 3, what allows always the controls.

The response 3 with 5 4 or 4 4 forcing game

2 3 (with 5 4 or 4 4)
3NT (with 2 and 3)
3 (with 4) *
3 (with 3 or 4 ) **

* Precedence over 3, even with 4 et 3 or 4.
The responder closes to if just for game. If he has slam hope he bids his first control.

** Denies 4. With 4 the responder would have bidded 3. With 5 the responder closes to 4 if just for game. If he has slam hope he bids his first control.

If the responder has 4 4 he makes the interrogative bidding 3 in order to know if the opener has either 3 or 4. As answer the opener bids 3NT with 3, but he bids a preempted control 4 ou 4 if he has 4 :

2 3 (with 5 4 or 4 4)
3 (with 3 ou 4 ) * 3 (with 4 4) forcing
3NT (with 3 )
4 or 4 (with 4 ) **

* Without 4. With 4 the opener had to bid 3 instead of 3.
** First control. The responder closes to 4 if just for game. If he has slam hope he bids his first control.

The response 3 with 5 4 forcing game

2 3 (with 5 4)
3NT (with 2 and 3)  
3 (with 4) *  
3 (with 3 or 4) *  

* The responder closes to game at level 4, if just for game. If he has slam hope he bids his first control.

Never use the response 3 with 4 4. It could result in a major misfit 43 and to necessity for the responder to play himself the game 3NT.

NB : A double major fit is possible. If this occurs the opener chooses the major to play, generally in the fit 44.

See also the negative controls

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maubird at orange.fr